Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka

Transmission Centre At Kokavil

The Opening of the Kokavil Multi - functional Transmission

The Telecommunication, Television, Radio and ICT Services constitute vital resources for the economic and social development of Sri Lanka, and they need to be well utilized for the country’s advancement. The proper and efficient operation of the telecommunication network required to serve both national and international telecommunication needs would lead to greater benefits for telecom operators, other
telecom parties and the customers.

One of the significant objectives of the Mahinda Chintanaya is the establishment of Sri Lanka as a Regional Hub for Asian telecommunication networks.  The construction of the Kokavil Multi -functional
Transmission Tower is an important milepost on the road to achieving this goal.

Telecommunication network policies and the rules of procedure that should be followed inimplementing these policies were drawn by a Committee of Experts and submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers for its approval. The membership of this Committee was drawn from the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRCSL), Central Environmental Authority, Urban Development Authority, Ministry of Defence, Institution of Engineering & Technology, University of Moratuwa, University of Colombo, Ministry of Health & Nutrition, Department of Meteorology, Ceylon Electricity Board, Ministry of Provincial Councils & Local Government and Civil Aviation Authority.

The expansion of telecommunication networks in the country is being carried out by PSTN Operators that have been granted licenses by the TRCSL. The following Table illustrates the growth of telecommunication networks in Sri Lanka since the year 2005:

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Proposed Towers 313 501 973 2010 1110 938 422


The following Table denotes the number of Telecommunication Centres that will be established in the Districts of the Northern and Eastern Provinces pursuant to the proposed development and expansion of telecommunication network infrastructure in these areas (2010 –2011):

Ampara 53 Batticaloa 34 Mullaitivu 04 Trincomalee 48
Mannar 29 Jaffna 103 Vavuniya 33 Kilinochchi 14

This Kokavil Transmission Tower has been utilized in the past to serve the radio broadcasting  needs of the people in the region and the members of the security forces serving in the Northern Province. During the humanitarian operations of Sri Lanka’s armed forces, Government troops recaptured the Tower. Today, this restored Tower will be declared open by his Excellency the President Mahinda Rajapakse.

The Kokavil Tower, the largest and highest transmission Tower in Sri Lanka, is 174 meters in height. It was reconstructed at a cost of Rs.330 million under the Uthuru Wasanthaya Programme. The experts have identified this Tower as the highest self-standing Transmission Tower in South Asia. The space of this Tower is to be utilized for installing telecommunication, television, radio and other government institutional facilities. This multi-functional Transmission Tower will be of help in removing problems associated with interference in telecommunication, television, radio, and information and communication technologies affecting the communities in the Northern Province.  It is also expected that the Tower will provide adequate space and facilities for the use of the state and private media and telecommunication channels.

This Kokavil Multi - Functional Transmission Tower was re -built under the auspices of the Uthuru Wasanthaya Programme and under the direction of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka and the Mass Media and Information Ministry, with the Central Engineering consultancy Bureau playing a leading role in its restoration.

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka wishes to gratefully acknowledge with thanks the valuable contributions and services rendered towards the re-construction of this Tower by Hon. Basil Rajapakse, President of the Uthuru Wasanthaya Executive Committee and Minister of Economic Development, Hon. Keheliya Rambukwella, the Minister of Mass Media and Information, the various institutions attached to the Ministry of Mass Media and Information, the services provided by the Ministry of Defence, the Sri Lanka Army and its Signals division.


TV, Radio Broadcasting And Telecommunications Facilities To North



TRCSL has taken a leading roll in providing telecommunication related infrastructure to extend TV, Radio Broadcasting and Telecommunication facilities to the residents in the North under “Uthuru Wasanthaya” Program. Kokavil Tower project is the first of its kind and some more to come to facilitate microwave connectivity.

Mr. Priyantha Kariyapperuma, Director General of the TRCSL said that TRCSL has allocated Rs.150 Million, initially for the above Project and this is launched under the 180 days Program with kind coordination of Ministry of Mass Media and the Ministry of Defence.

This Project will be inaugurated on the 19th of August’2009 in the presence of Mr. Anura Priyadharshana Yapa, Hon Minister of Mass Media and Information and Mr. Basil Rajapaksa, MP, Senior Advisor to H.E. the President and the Chairman of the President Task Force.

Senior Officers of the Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law & Order, Ministry of Mass Media & Information, Sri Lanka Army and TRCSL will also be present at this occasion.

Mr. Priyantha Kariyapperuma further explained that availability of tall communication towers at strategic locations is vital to facilitate provision or expansion of TV, Broadcasting and other Communication Services. It is a high priority of the government to provide the public to access media of their choice. Assist in establishment of infrastructure for rolling out programs of telecommunication service providers (Telcos) is a priority item in the development agenda of Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL). TRCSL can not ignore requirements of TV, Broadcasting & Telcos for approvals to construct tall towers to provide their services. Locating these at strategic locations is required to obtain a widest possible coverage of service in an economical manner. As infrastructure sharing is the top most item in the proposed National Policy on Antenna Structures and hence TRCSL is planning to construct more tower of this nature.

Central Engineering Consultancy Beureau(CECB) has been assigned to do the construction of this Project on turn key basis.